Reviews and Comments
"Dear Maestra: I want to tell you how very much I enjoyed the video. What a unique concept - and masterfully executed! Not even the most inflexible of the folk ultra-purists could find anything to criticize in the way you've transformed audio/visual folk material into a delightful, coherent concert program. It seemed I was being treated to a magical marriage of Reveultas and Moiseyev. A real artistic achievement. Congratulations!"─Lou Gottlieb, International Film Composer
"C'est Magnifique!"─Maurice Jarre, Film Composer
"In three seasons of Open House at the Bowl, Elisabeth Waldo and her Ensemble have shared with us a unique adventure into the music heritage of the Americas and Asia."─Ernest Fleischmann, Southern California Symphony Association
"...the nation's foremost authority on pre-Colombian and Latin music and a leading composer and performer in these styles." ─Charles Perlee, Sun Telegram, San Bernardino, California
"...the result is rhythmic, percussive, somewhat abstract sound that is both hypnotic and often quite pleasing."─San Francisco Examiner
"Composer-performer 'extraordinaire'...Elisabeth Waldo is emerging as one of the great talents of the Americas."─Octavio Costa, La Opinion, Los Angeles, California
"Historical research and vivid imagination combined with dedication to detail...make both recordings a fascinating journey into pre-Colombian musical lore."─Honolulu Star-Bulletin
"Her cause is saving California's music."─Carol Weissert, The Press, Riverside, California
"She was the first to record rare pre-Colombian instruments and to recreate the long-forgotten music of indigenous peoples. From the study of the melodies and airs, [Elisabeth Waldo] combines ancient instruments and scales with modern ideas. The result is awesome and beautiful."─Dada'quariums Exotica's Newsletter
"One tends to regard Elisabeth Waldo as a sort of modern-day Pied Piper, leading archaeologists, anthropologists, ethnomusicologists, and people everywhere back to the mysterious rhythms of the exotic past."─Phyllis Dodge Nikkel, Christian Science Monitor
"...we owe much to Elisabeth Waldo for her prodigious research into the Aboriginal southwest. Not only is the attractive Ms. Waldo a lecturer and authority on this special subject, but a highly gifted one as well." ─California Jewish Voice
"On behalf of everybody at NBC, I want to again thank you and your troupe for a fabulous night of entertainment. Let's hope we can do it again sometime."─Michael O'Hara, Director-Media Relations, NBC, Burbank, California
"Devotees of the weird and the wonderful are certain to find "Rites of the Pagan" right up their alley...a remarkable sonic experience...and put together with love."─Arizona Daily Star
"Elisabeth Waldo has the ability to capture the spirit of Chinese music and reinterpret it in a way that is quite understandable to the Westerner...In her performances, her warm personality and her personal beauty place the music in a really pleasing package. As a Chinese who has long lived overseas, I am amazed at how successful Elisabeth is in introducing the East to the West...her uncanny ability...cultivated through long, earlier study of indigenous music..."─Lilia Huiying Li, Overseas Chinese Writer
"Waldo's music from antiquity continues to forge cultural links between East and West."─Joe Sack, Orchestra World, London