Music CD's and DVD's by Elisabeth Waldo is available through or may be ordered by emailing us using the form at the bottom of this page. Her record company is Southwinds Music, Inc.
Maracátu ( SWR 062 (2017)

Viva California SWR 061 (2013)

Land of Golden Dreams SWR 059 (2004)

Heartstrings: Soul of the Americas SWR 060 (2008)

GNP Crescendo presents Rites of the Pagan and Realm of the Incas. GNP 601 and 603, now on a single compact disc.
Coming Soon: Tales of the Golden Mountain: The Chinese Experience in California SWR 063 (2017) ; Messages in Clay SWR 064 (2017), and The Lost Violins: Elisabeth Waldo Performs on Indigenous Instruments SWR 065 (2018).
ORDER FORM: Please send us an email message, using the form below, indicating which compact discs you would like to order. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you.